The body communicates with itself in two main ways, with electrical signals through the nerves or with endocrine or immunological factors circulating in the blood. Acupuncture, by inserting a metallic implement into tissue, works by utilizing both of those pathways. Through astute observation and experimentation, ancient Chinese physicians worked out a reliable map and method to use these miniscule needles to send and receive messages directly to their patients’ physiology. Thinking of the human body as its own ecosystem, acupuncture treatments are approached as if the physician is dredging or stirring or redirecting improperly flowing water.
The practice philosophy at Yi Guan Acupuncture is to send a clear message to the body with comparatively few needles but used with a deliberate focus on skilled manipulation of the needle to fine-tune that message and read the body’s response.
If you would like to see how acupuncture can affect your flow, schedule a consultation.
Also, did you know there are different levels of training among acupuncturists? Click to learn more about the types of acupuncture doctors in Austin.
Acupuncture for Migraines
Dr. Dan Perez explains the benefits of acupuncture for migraines, and how acupuncture can stop a migraine before it starts.
Acupuncture For Fatigue
Dr. Dan Perez explains the benefits of acupuncture and herbal remedies for fatigue, specifically chronic fatigue syndrome.
How Acupuncture Can Treat Facial Paralysis: Acupuncture for Bell’s Palsy
Learn how acupuncture for Bell’s palsy and herbal anti-inflammatories can help reverse this condition with minimal side effects.
Acupuncture For Sciatica, And More: Ways Chinese Medicine Helps With Sciatic Pain
Learn now acupuncture for sciatica, and other Chinese medicine options, can help alleviate sciatic pain.
Acupuncture For Frozen Shoulder: An Alternative To Steroids or Surgery
Acupuncture for frozen shoulder, in combination with other Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies, offers an alternative to steroid or surgical treatment.
Daith Piercings for Migraines
How Daith piercings for migraines might work and why studies to prove it might be inconclusive.
Acupuncture Treatment for Diabetes
Research shows how acupuncture treatment for diabetes can have positive effects. But that is only one way Chinese medicine can help with diabetes management.
Acupuncture for Hypothyroidism
Want natural thyroid treatment options? Or to smooth out the trial and error of conventional therapy? Acupuncture for hypothyroidism might be the answer.
Acupuncture for Trigeminal Neuralgia
Acupuncture for Trigeminal neuralgia offers a minimally invasive way of managing facial pain.
Acupuncture for Bell’s Palsy
We specialize in acupuncture for Bell’s Palsy.
NEW Location
Yi Guan Acupuncture and Chinese Herbalism
11614 Bee Caves Road, Suite 230,
Austin, TX 78738 (directions)